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Consultative telephone:4006100007
Complaint telephone:0539-4552189

Address: G2 Mengyin exit of Beijing-Shanghai Expressway turn right for 18 km to reach the scenic spot,
and Mengliangyu exit and turn left for 17 km to reach the scenic spot.
          Nitto Expressway G1511 Feixian exit and turn right for 18 km to reach the scenic spot

Consultative telephone:4000393999
Complaint telephone:0539-4406289
Address: 1 km from the exit of Ridong Expressway (Pingyin East, Mengshan), 8 km to the Mengshan Line
Consultative telephone:4000536059
Complaint telephone:0536-3463686
Address: Changshen Expressway (G25) Lushan exit, turn left 1.2 km to 227 provincial road turn left 4.8 km